Once a time group has been defined, a time condition can be set up to serve as a call target.

To create a new Time Condition, navigate to NextGenSwitch> Incoming > Time Conditions, where you’ll find the most important fields.

Name, To identify this Time Condition.

Time Group, Select a Time Group from the drop-down list that was previously created in the Time Groups dialog.

Destination if Time Matches Section

  • Select Module/Function, feature enables the user to choose from a drop-down list of available modules, determining which module to activate.
  • Select Destination, this is the call target to which the module should be routed.

Destination if Time does not Match Section

  1. Select Function/Module, empowers the user to choose from a drop-down list of available modules, specifying which module should be activated.
  2. Select Destination, this is the call target to which the module should be routed